Most Read Articles

Most read articles are listed by the number of read for the previous three months.

The Effects of Scapular Alignment Exercise and Nerve Mobilization on Pain and Muscle Activity in Subjects with Scapular Depression Alignment
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2020;4(2):58-65.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 1850
A Movement-System-Impairment Approach to the Evaluation and Treatment of a Patient with Femoral Anterior Glide Syndrome: A Case Report
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2018;2(2):58-63.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 1247
Isolated Activation of the Infraspinatus Muscle in Four Manual Muscle Testing Positions
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2018;2(2):38-42.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 808
Comparison of Activities of Tibialis Anterior, Peroneus Longus, and Tibialis Posterior Muscles according to Lunge Squats and Bulgarian Split Squats in a Healthy Population
J KEMA 2017;1(1):26-30.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 569
Comparison of Prone Hip Extension Exercise and Prone Hip Extension Exercise after Iliopsoas Stretching on Lumbopelvic Control and Gluteus Maximus Activity in Subjects with Short Iliopsoas
J KEMA 2017;1(1):19-25.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 431
The Effects of Sling Exercise on Gluteus Muscle Strength and Gait Velocity in Females with History of Chronic Low Back Pain
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2021;5(2):59-66.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 423
The Comparison for Serratus Anterior Muscle Activity during Protraction in Open Chain and Closed Chain Exercises in Healthy Adults
J KEMA 2018;2(1):1-5.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 399
Relationship between Cross-Sectional Area and Function of Core Muscles: An MRI Study
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2022;6(2):71-79.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 361
Reliability of a New Test of Levator Scapula Muscle Length
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2019;3(1):1-6.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 355
The Use of Cryotherapy in the Gout Pain Control: A Systematic Review
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2021;5(1):1-5.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 351
Effects of Same-Sided and Cross-Body Load Carrying on the Activity of the Upper Trapezius and Erector Spinae Muscles
J KEMA 2017;1(1):2-6.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 336
Effects of Pelvic Floor Muscle Contraction on Abdominal Muscle Activity and Pelvic Rotation Angle during Active Straight Leg Raise: Cross-Sectional Study
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2024;8(1):21-28.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 306
Immediate Effects of Neural Slider and Neural Tensioner on Forward Bending in Subjects with Hamstring Tightness
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2021;5(1):6-13.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 306
Reliability and Validity of Measurement of Infrasternal Angle by Radiographic Methods
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2018;2(2):33-37.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 305
Comparison of Recent Studies on Rehabilitation of Chronic Ankle Instability: A Systematic Review
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2020;4(2):41-50.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 304
Comparison of Electromyographic Activity of the Lower and Upper Trapezius during Different Strengthening Exercises
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2023;7(1):40-47.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 304
A Movement-System-Impairment Approach to the Evaluation and Treatment of a Patient Who had Cervical Flexion Syndrome with a Straight Neck: A Case Report
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2024;8(1):49-56.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 286
Influences of Self-Myofascial Release Using a Massage Ball on the Glenohumeral Internal Rotation Range of Motion
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2024;8(1):37-41.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 286
Effect of Various Support Surfaces on Activation of Tibialis Anterior, Peroneus Longus, and Gastrocnemius Muscles during Squat Performance
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2019;3(2):31-37.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 283
Comparison of Tibialis Anterior Muscle Activity and Dorsiflexor Strength according to Toe Postures
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2020;4(1):13-17.
HTML PDF PubReader Last 3 months views: 280
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