List of Articles

Journal of KEMA. Vol. 2, No. 1, 2018

Research Report
The Comparison for Serratus Anterior Muscle Activity during Protraction in Open Chain and Closed Chain Exercises in Healthy Adults
J KEMA 2018;2(1):1-5.
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Comparison of Trunk Muscle Endurance between Lumbar Rotation with Flexion Syndrome and Rotation with Extension Syndrome
J KEMA 2018;2(1):6-10.
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Between-side Comparisons of Iliotibial Band Flexibility and the Tibial Torsion Angle in Subjects with an Asymmetric Hallux Valgus Angle
J KEMA 2018;2(1):11-15.
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Comparison of Elbow Extensor Muscle Strength and EMG Activity in Supine and Prone Positions in Healthy Subjects
J KEMA 2018;2(1):16-19.
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Reliability of Axial-Thoracolumbar Spine Rotation Range Measurements
J KEMA 2018;2(1):20-23.
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Change in the Height of the Medial Longitudinal Plantar Arch according to the Distance between the Knees While Performing Squats
J KEMA 2018;2(1):24-27.
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