Influences of Self-Myofascial Release Using a Massage Ball on the Glenohumeral Internal Rotation Range of Motion
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2024;8(1):37-41.
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A Movement-System-Impairment Approach to the Evaluation and Treatment of a Patient Who had Cervical Flexion Syndrome with a Straight Neck: A Case Report
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2024;8(1):49-56.
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Relationship between Soccer Shooting Speed and Trunk Angles in the Frontal Plane during One-Leg Drop Landing and Standing Hip Abduction Tasks
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2024;8(1):1-8.
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The Effects of Scapular Alignment Exercise and Nerve Mobilization on Pain and Muscle Activity in Subjects with Scapular Depression Alignment
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2020;4(2):58-65.
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A Movement-System-Impairment Approach to the Evaluation and Treatment of a Patient with Femoral Anterior Glide Syndrome: A Case Report
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2018;2(2):58-63.
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Isolated Activation of the Infraspinatus Muscle in Four Manual Muscle Testing Positions
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2018;2(2):38-42.
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About Journal of Musculoskeletal Science and Technology

The Journal of Musculoskeletal Science and Technology, founded in 2017, is a primary research journal in the field of movement system impairment to assess, manage, and investigate the causes and effects of musculoskeletal dysfunction and pain. The Journal of Musculoskeletal Science and Technology is the official publication of the Academy of KEMA. It contains the latest evidence-based research and clinical cases addressed to movement specialists, and to physical therapists, biomechanists, orthopedic physicians, athletic trainers, manual therapists, and others in health care community. The Journal of Musculoskeletal Science and Technology continues to publish research articles and clinically relevant contents across the spectrum of movement sciences.

About Academy of KEMA

Movement system impairments cause mechanical musculoskeletal pain syndromes. Movement system impairment can be developed by repeated movements in specific joint and sustained alignments during activities of daily living. Therefore, Academy of KEMA (Kinetic Ergocise based on Movement Analysis), founded in 2003, research and educate the movement related musculoskeletal disorders based on the concept of movement system impairment. Based on published articles in SCI or SCIE by the researchers in KEMA, we have assessed and managed the patients with musculoskeletal pain in 8 big companies in Korea. Additionally, academy of KEMA have developed mobile wearable devices such as motion, EMG and air pressure sensors and applications based on a smart phone platforms that enable to record the big data using the real-time measurement of body movements, posture, and performance.

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